Muddy River Counselors Win 16UB MSAHA Championship as they Defeat the Knighthawks

Muddy River Counselors Win 16UB MSAHA Championship as they Defeat the Knighthawks

The Muddy River Counselors defeated the Laurel Knighthawks 46-36 at Southeastern Baptist College on Saturday afternoon to win the MSAHA Championship in their first season of existence.

The #1 Laurel Knighthawks had their backs against the wall going in to Saturday as the Counselors beat them 36-34 Friday afternoon forcing the Knighthawks to have to win two games on Saturday.

The Knighthawks beat the Counselors 46-41 in overtime to force the second game. Behind the successful game plan of the Knighthawks, they held Sun Michael Williams to 0 points for the first time as a Counselor.

The Counselors went in to the championship with an aggressive mentality and they put on the defensive pressure from the start. Muddy River was able to build a 22-12 lead at half time. The Knighthawks, behind excellent third quarter play from Caleb Jenkins and Jacob Moree, cut the lead to a four point, 34-30 deficit. But Chris Purnell continued the damage he had been doing the entire game and the defensive energy from Caleb Sanders, Luke Sanders, and Sun Michael Williams forced turnovers on Laurel. The Counselors were able to close out the 46-36 win over the Knighthawks and win the 16UB MSAHA Championship in their first year of existence.

Chris Purnell led the Counselors with 23 points.


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