Knighthawk Beat: More Than A Championship

Knighthawk Beat: More Than A Championship

[Hattiesburg, MS] As the ball fell into Kai Welch’s hands, time ran out. The Laurel Knighthawks had done it again. Laurel had won their second state championship in a row. This game, however, meant more than just a state championship. This game was Coach Cliff Jenkins’ last ever game to Head Coach the Laurel Knighthawks.

My first ever Knighthawks practice was held at Temple Baptist Church in Laurel. I was a wide-eyed 12 year old, who knew next to nothing about basketball. I knew a few people at the practice, but I had no clue who the coach was. He was a tall, mild mannered, bearded man with a deep southern accent. Even though every thing was new, this man made me feel welcomed. This man was Coach Cliff.

I am not the greatest basketball player ever, but what has kept me coming back every year is the relationships. Over the years, I have cultivated many friendships, including a lot of friendships with this years senior group. The environment at Knighthawks basketball practices has a fun, loose, and uplifting feeling. Yes, we make fun of someone missing a wide open layup, or dribbling the ball off of your own foot; but we know that when the chips are down everyone at that practice has each other’s back. Some might think that the people responsible for this environment are the players, when in actuality, its Coach Cliff. 

This whole season has been an emotional roller coaster for the Knighthawks. From last second buzzer beaters against Jackson, to a heart wrenching loss to Meridian. It’s had it’s fair share of ups and downs, but I don’t think any of us would have changed it for the world. After all, we did win the 18U Boys state championship.

This is a Knighthawks team that will go down in history as one of the greatest teams in the MSAHA. They never quit, they play their hardest from tip-off to buzzer. Their reputation however, will always be overshadowed by the reputation of their coach.

An easy argument could be made that Coach Cliff is one of, if not the, greatest coach in the long history of the MSAHA. In my opinion, he’s in a league of his own. He never yells at his guys. He is strict in the right areas, while keeping things loose. However, he wins a state championship virtually every year. While this state championship is a testament to the Knighthawks group, it is also a testament to Coach Cliff’s brilliance.

I would like to finish this article with a person message to Coach Cliff. Thank you so much for the time you have always invested into this team, and into a mediocre basketball player like me. Your efforts will always be appreciated.


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