Coach Willis Williams of the Muddy River Counselors Sits Down for an Exclusive Interview

Coach Willis Williams of the Muddy River Counselors Sits Down for an Exclusive Interview

The head coach of the Muddy River Counselors, Coach Willis Williams, sat down for an exclusive interview with the Counselors’ very own Trellis Williams to discuss the founding of the Counselors, his experience as a head coach, and the team’s performance thus far.

Coach Willis began speaking about how the organization began, defining the organization as a ministry. He discussed his history of being involved with the Hattiesburg Forerunners and the Jackson Victors in his coaching career as well as his involvement with the ministries. He also discussed how he has been able to coach all three of his sons over the course of the last 8 years.

The Counselors coach also spoke about his graphic designs that have been displayed in the Counselors’ logos and graphics. He also spoke about the origin of the name “Counselors”, which he explained came from the reference in Proverbs 11:14, which states, “When there is no guidance, the people fall, but in an abundance of Counselors, there is Victory.”

He also speaks about the personnel of his team and his team’s performance. You can watch this full exclusive interview either above or by Clicking Here.


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