About Us

Our Mission

We are a digital media company committed to providing quality digital media services to clients looking to expand their marketing capabilities. These services span from website building and social media campaigns to sports broadcasting and video production.

Trellis Williams - Headshot Profile

Trellis Williams is the originator of the TSJW Network. Launching the company as a freshman in college in 2019, Trellis has grown the company into being the official media outlet for MSAHA Basketball, Terry High School Football and Tougaloo College Basketball. Specializing in play-by-play announcing and graphic design, Trellis has called four seasons of basketball and two seasons of football, bringing him to over 300 games called under his belt. He also creates graphics and builds websites for the Network.

King Williams - Profile-1

King Williams is the official TSJW Network photographer through his company, King Williams Photography. King has done plenty of other work with the Network through camera & scorekeeping. King has done camera & scorekeeping for three seasons and two seasons as photographer. He has a versatile set of experience including in weddings, events, real estate, portraits in addition to his extensive sports photography experience. King Williams Photography is open for business. Email tsjwnetwork@gmail.com to book a shoot!
