Knighthawk Beat: The Legacy of Coach Cliff

Knighthawk Beat: The Legacy of Coach Cliff

It is always fun to be a part of a dynasty. Whether you are just a fan watching or in the middle of the action, dynasties are fun. They are also extraordinarily special; every sport has them. In the NBA, it was the Bulls in the 90’s and the Lakers in the 80’s. In the MLB, it was the Yankees of the 90’s. In the NFL, the Steelers ruled the 70’s. Basketball dynasties, in my opinion, are the most exciting to watch. This is true because the team seems to be in sync, finding ways to win. The team plays together so much that they know each other’s weaknesses and strengths. The Laurel Knighthawks’ core group of varsity players this year have played together since their 7th grade season. These players have won 99 games together, while only losing 42. That is a .702 winning percentage. They have averaged 19.8 wins a season, winning 3 championships in those five years. I believe we can call that a dynasty. 

Fans sometimes overlook a main reason why these dynasties even exist… the coach. That’s right, the coach teaches the fundamentals of the game, designs the plays, and facilitates the games through a plan. Some coaches like Phil Jackson and Pat Riley don’t get enough credit for the great teams they coach. The Knighthawks mustn’t fail to recognize their coach. 

Coach Cliff Jenkins is one of the greatest coaches a person can ask for. He is a wonderful leader who puts a ton of time into his players. As a player, I can’t remember a time where I felt uncomfortable fearing that Coach Cliff was angry or disappointed in me after a bad play. Coach Cliff puts having Christian character over whether or not you have a great jump shot. 

The amount of time that Coach Cliff spends on stats and watching film pushes his players to perform even more. As a matter of fact, he is the reason that I was made aware of Laurel’s 99-42 record. However, Coach Cliff gave me this stat to recognize his players’ accomplishments. That is Coach Cliff in a nutshell. He is humble. I believe the fact that the Knighthawks have won 99 games is a testament to his leadership. He is a pastor, a husband, father, and one heck of a coach! I don’t know where he finds the time…I’m just glad that he does. As we near 100 wins, the Laurel Knighthawks dynasty owes a lot to Coach Cliff Jenkins.


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